The book recommendation site,, asked me to contribute my three favourite reads of 2023. I read so many books this year, but still, it was an easy selection for me. The three titles are:
In Memoriam by Alice Winn
Leading Men by Christopher Castellani
Dandelion Daughter by Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay (translated into English by Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch)

You can read what I wrote about each of them at the following link: Christopher DiRaddo’s 3 favourite reads in 2023. You can also read the total results from all authors (by genre and other categories) on Shepherd’s Best Books of 2023 page.
And if you want to go deeper, I also wrote another list for them earlier this year: The best books that uplift and celebrate queer kinship and chosen family.
Happy reading!